Back on June 2nd 2020, we took delivery of 2 sets of Amkus Ion Battery Powered Rescue Tools. Each set includes a spreader, cutter and ram with 3 extensions and are powered by a Dewalt Flexvolt 60V battery. We are proud to say that we were the first department in North Carolina to purchase and be delivered these sets of tools as soon as they became available by Amkus. Our members have trained countless hours, on Saturdays and multiple times throughout the week to become familiar with the new equipment. We would like to thank Amkus Rescue Systems and C.W. Williams for their assistance in this purchase to benefit our department and citizens we serve in our district.
In addition to the purchase of these tools, our department has also purchased a 2020 Ford F250 4x4. This vehicle is to replace the old Squad 4 and will act as a Quick Response Vehicle, which will also include a set of the new Amkus Ion Battery Powered Tools. After the purchase of the vehicle, Brian Niblock at Graphics Galore was consulted to handle the vehicle striping and lettering. The vehicle was then delivered to Goodin Electronics, where it was outfitted with emergency lighting, a front bumper winch and radio installation. |